Saturday, November 9, 2019

What is The Arras Coins Meaning And Tradition?

The Hispanic tradition of gifting the arras coin set comes with 13 gold coins.  This given to the bride during the wedding ceremony by her groom.  This gift symbolizes the grooms willingness to support and trust his bride.  The brides acceptance symbolizes her willingness to trust her husband and be a prudent wife.

Some believe this is representative of the 12 Apostles and Christ.  Some believe it represents the lunar calendar of twelve months plus the honeymoon, totaling the thirteen.  It's has also been said that the thirteen coins represent thirteen characteristics:  Caring, Commitment, Cooperation, Harmony Happiness, Joy, Love, Nurturing, Peace, Respect, and Trust.  Which ever belief one adheres to the tradition is a beautiful part of the Hispanic wedding ceremony.

Godparents or Padrinos are the ones who make the purchase of the Arras set on behalf of the groom.  This symbolizes that the Padrinos have shared their wealth of knowledge with the groom and bride before the wedding in regards to life and marriage.

The coins set typically comes in small decorative box containing thirteen coins.  It is presented to the priest during the wedding ceremony by the Padrinos.  The priest will bless the coins and then give them to the groom.  The groom pours the box of coins into the brides cupped hands.  After the bride has accepted them she pours them back into the box.  The bride, occasionally, hands the box back to the Padrino to hold until after the ceremony.

Of course, as with all traditions, there come variations.  Regardless of which belief the couples adhere to the underlying sentiment of the Arras Coin Set is another of the many beautiful Hispanic traditions.

You can purchase Arras Coin sets from Bella Sposa Bridal & Prom in the store or at our E-tail store.Bella Sposa Bridal & Prom E-tail Store